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Thank you for choosing to join

Child Care Providers Coalition of Kansas

Annual Membership Dues

Family Child Care Provider - $30.00

FCC Provider membership eligibility shall be open to any Family or Group Child Care Provider in Kansas who are licensed by the State of Kansas.  Family Child Care Provider members are entitled to receive the bimonthly newsletter, discounts to CCPC events, participation in CCPC members only facebook group and access to members only area on CCPC website.  Family Child Care Provider Members have voting privileges and may hold an office in the Corporation. 

Supporting Membership - $35.00

Supportive membership eligibility shall be any person not eligible for family child care provider membership. 

Supportive members are entitled to receive the bimonthly newsletter, discounts to CCPC events, participation in CCPC members only facebook group and access to members only area on CCPC website.  

Supportive members do NOT have voting privileges and may NOT hold an office in the Corporation. 

Centers and Center Employees are allowed to join as a supportive member.

Organization Supporting Membership - $50.00

Organization memberships eligibility shall be open to any organizations that are interested in helping support and

promote family child care programs in Kansas.

It will allow 3 members of the organization to join, They are entitled to receive the bimonthly newsletter, participation in

CCPC members only facebook group and access to members only area on CCPC website.

Organization memberships do NOT have voting privileges, may NOT hold an office in the Corporation. 

and do NOT include discounts to CCPC Events. 

If members of the organization are interested in attending any of the CCPC events

they will need to join as a supporting member.

This membership does not apply to centers or licensed group family child care programs.

If you have any questions please contact our membership chair:

Emily Welborn at

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