Ambassador Application
CCPC is excited to offer community KDHE-approved training opportunities in every area of the state. In order to identify where workshops are needed and host them, we are seeking the help of ambassadors in each region.
The role of ambassadors is not time consuming, but essential to the Regional Professional Development Program. An ambassador works with their Regional Rep to connect with providers in their area on social media and other means. As an ambassador, the area you serve could be as small as your town or a larger collection of several counties; it's your choice! More than likely you're already a member of your local county's Facebook group and you can use the connections you have already made.
Once you're connected with providers in your community, we will ask for your help identifying the need for workshops. How many hours they need, the topics they're interested in, and other questions need answered. When we know what they need, your Region Rep can schedule presenters and, with your help, find a location to hold the training event.
The only requirements to become an ambassador are that you must be a licensed family child care provider and a current member of CCPC. Not a CCPC member? We'd love for you to join today and you'll be immediately eligible to become an ambassador!
Are you ready to start helping connect providers with workshops? Fill out the form and we will contact you soon! Thank you for giving back to your community and strengthening the network of providers in our state!